Advanced Banner Formats

The Advanced format offers an alternative to standard fixed banner sizes, providing more dynamic and engaging options for your advertising campaigns. Examples of advanced formats include Interstitial, Pushdown, Sticky, and Bestfit ads. In addition, you can connect schedules to display Advanced banner formats. We’ll explore how to do this shortly. To build an Interstitial creative […]

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Schedule Repeat Interval

Now you can create repeating schedule intervals on BannerNow! Here’s how to do it: 1. Find the schedule interval on the calendar. Click on it to open up interval settings. Switch to the REPEAT tab. 2. You can select one of four repeat interval options: Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly. 3. For the Daily repeat […]

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Schedule Campaigns

Schedule Bannernow Schedule allows you to group multiple banners into a single placeholder. Banners in a placeholder will be displayed in alternation/rotation based on a schedule (date/time), and a relative weight/frequency rule. The placeholder’s function is to group multiple banners by the same size and locale (so no banners of different sizes or locales will be […]

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