Publishing AdTags additional parameters

The Additional AdTag params can be used to pass the dynamic urls into the banner. For example, let’s imagine that you need to create a banner with 2 buttons and specify the hyperlinks for these buttons directly from the AdTag. First, let’s prepare the banner to accept the dynamic params. For the first button we’ll […]

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Publishing: Income Access AdTags (HTML5)

Create a new banner(s) and click the “Publish” button. Select the sizes you want to publish and click the Next button. Select the “Income Access” Ad network. Copy the Ad Tag (Embed Code). *If you have multiple banner sizes copy the embed codes one by one for each size. In the Income Access network Navigate […]

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Google Ad Manager – Advanced Ad Formats (out-of-page)

Create a new “Advanced Format” banner (Interstitial, Sticky, Pushdown, …) and click the “Publish” tab. Select the “Google Ad Manager/ Doubleclick For Publishers [DFP]” Ad network. Copy the Ad Tag (Embed Code) In Google Ad Manager go to Delivery->Creatives and click “New Creative” Select Advertiser and click on “Custom” creative format Select “Out-of-page (Interstitial)” ad […]

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Schedule Campaigns

Schedule Bannernow Schedule allows you to group multiple banners into a single placeholder. Banners in a placeholder will be displayed in alternation/rotation based on a schedule (date/time), and a relative weight/frequency rule. The placeholder’s function is to group multiple banners by the same size and locale (so no banners of different sizes or locales will be […]

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Google Campaign Manager 360

Google Campaign Manager 360 With Bannernow, you can publish ads directly into your Campaign Manager 360 account. 1. First, you will need to connect your Campaign Manager 360 account with BannerNow. Go to Profile Settings page. 2. Click on the integrations tab. 3.  Click on Connect Account ( Campaign Manager 360). 4.  Click on Allow to grant […]

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Ad Networks List

Embed/Publish your Banner to 70+ Ad Networks and DSPs. You can publish your banner to 70+ Ad Networks by simply copying a small snipped of code (script) from BannerNow dashboard into desired Ad Network. Here’s a list of currently supported Ad Networks: Adapt ADX Adara (iframe) AdButler Adconion Adform AdGear AdGenius AdMarvel Admedo (iframe) Adrecord […]

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JS/Iframe Embed Code

Integrate a Banner into your Website using Javascript embed code 1. From the Bannerset folder, click the Publish button on top of the dashboard. 2. The Publish modal will be shown and includes 50+ popular ad networks, embed codes generated for a selected ad network, and the Responsive checkbox. 3. Choose the BannerNow ad network from the dropdown […]

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Publishing to AdRoll AdRoll is a leading performance marketing platform with thousands of clients around the world. Good news is, publishing a BannerNow banner into AdRoll is a very straightforward process: 1. Pick a bannerset and click the “Publish” button from Dashboard. 2. Select all banner sizes and locales you wish to publish. 3. Select AdRoll […]

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