Interactive Creative Play/Pause/Jump

In this article, we will show you how to use widgets to create interactive ads. Timeline Pause Points widget Pause button widget Play/Jump button widget Play/Pause toggle 1) Let’s start with the Timeline Pause Points. This widget will pause the timeline on the specific points. Go to Add > Widget > Timeline Pause Points. The […]

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Group Elements

With BannerNow, you can easily group elements on a canvas and animate them together, or animate each element individually at the same time, creating dynamic and visually appealing animations. How to do that? Please watch the video below.

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Advanced Keyframe-based Animations

In advanced animation keyframe mode each property of the element (move x, move y, scale x, scale y, opacity, rotation) can be animated separately using keyframes. To enable the keyframe mode – click the “animation” icon on the layer. Select all the properties you want to animate for this layer from the menu. Animation properties that are […]

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Banner Preview

You can use the Preview Modal in order to preview your banner’s current state (look & effects). In order to open the Preview Modal click Preview button. The Banner Preview modal will display the current state of your banner. It also features a few options that can be applied: Use the Autofit switch to perfectly fit the preview modal in your browser.

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Disappear Animations

Disappear Effect – Finishing effect of an element. Animation effects can be assigned to any element (image, text, button, shape). In order to access animation effect properties, you’ll need to select (activate) the desired element on the stage. On the bottom of the screen, there is a Timeline area with the following: Left-side menu: Layers Right-side menu: Transitions. The corresponding layer […]

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Animation Timeline

Use timeline to control behavior/animation of every item in your banner. The Timeline is a very powerful feature of BannerNow. It gives you full control of your banner animation. Also, any time you add a new element on stage, a corresponding layer with transition is created on the timeline. Use layers and folders (left side of the timeline) to […]

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Loop Banner

Animation Loop (Repetitive Playing of Animation) This feature allows you to set how many times your banner will play from beginning to end. You’ll be able to set it to play once, a certain number of times, or forever. In order to stop a banner on the last loop on a specific position input number […]

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