Color Presets

In our platform, we understand the importance of maintaining brand consistency across all your advertising campaigns. That’s why we’ve introduced the feature of adding color palettes to each project separately for your convenience. You can create and save custom color palettes that match your brand’s specific color scheme. Let’s open the Colors page from the top dashboard […]

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Create Widgets

Widgets – is a feature that allows you to create new banner elements with custom HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Bannernow includes a few standard/public Widgets that are ready to use within your banners. If you’re looking to create a new Widget, this is very simple: Create a new Widget by switching to the WIDGETS Tab in the dashboard header. Then, select ADD A NEW WIDGET. The Create New widget modal will […]

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Team Management

BannerNow platform is build for team collaboration and project management. You can easily create teams within your organization, invite team members, and assign administrative roles as needed. Our advanced permission settings allow you to customize user access, granting or restricting specific actions based on individual roles and responsibilities. In addition, you can create workspaces for […]

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