Stay Effect – Middle effect for extra transitions.

Animation effects can be assigned to any element (image, text, button, shape). In order to access animation effect properties, you’ll need to select (activate) the desired element on the stage.

On the bottom of the screen, there is a Timeline area with the following:

  • Left-side menu: Layers
  • Right-side menu: Transitions.

The corresponding layer and transition of the selected element are highlighted in the Timeline.

The Stay Effect is the 2nd section of transition slider. You can resize it by using handles to change the effect’s duration. The Stay Effect will play in between the appear and disappear effects. However, if nothing needs to happen, you can assign one of the following effect types (by clicking the middle section on transition slider):

  1. None – Component instantly stays on the scene without any transition
  2. Custom – Custom stay effect
  3. Flash – The flash effect blinks an object
  4. Bounce – The bounce effect bounces an object
  5. Shake – Shakes the object multiple times horizontally
  6. Rotate – Rotate item 360 degrees
  7. Tada – Tada effect
  8. Swing – Swing effect
  9. Wobble – Wobble effect
  10. Rubber – Rubber effect